to G. Anaplioti, Zorbas " is the man, the well nourished
by the roving life, the widely- travelled one with the
gold dream of wandering, the primitive superman, the
ingenious one, the insatiable womanizer, the . . .
inexhaustible one. . .". |
Zorbas, Zorbas the Greek, whose real name was Georgis,
was born in Kolindros in 1867 approximately. He was the
son of Photis Zorbas, a rich chief shepherd and
landowner, and he had one sister (Katerina) and two
brothers (Giannis and Ksenophon). The assertion that
Alexis Zorbas, the character in Nikow Kazantzakis' novel,
was born in Kolindros, derives from the facts that the
lirerateur G. Anapliotis presents in his play "The real
Zorbas and Nikos Kazantzakis" and also from the
narration of Zorbas' daughter, Androniki Kehaef and of
others, related to him during his stormy and mysterious
He spent his childhood in Kolindros but his father' s
adventure with a Turk make them leave and settle in the
Pieria Shelter. From now on his adventurous and
mysterious life begins. During his stay in the Shelter,
he works as a farmer and as a sheperd and finally he
becomes a lumberman.
A few years later he goes to Halkidi and works as a
miner in a French company. There he meets the leader of
the mine, Gianni Kalkouni, he marrys his daughter, Eleni
Kalkouni with he got 8 children. From all his children,
the one whom he loved more was his first born daughter,
Androniki. A lot of mystery struck his family because of
the war and of his wife' s death.
He leaves Halkidiki and comes to Elefterohori of Pieria (8
km from Kolindros) where his brother Giannis the dictor
usd to live. In 1915 he goes to Agion Oros, determined to
become a work. There, he meets N. Kazantzaki and the two
men become very good friends.
Later on the goes to Mani and works at the mine of Prastove his
intense life will end at Skopia, where he settles, marrys again and
has more children, a new family.
The second World War, the famine and the Nazi enslavement
overwhelmed him. He died in 1942. Kazantzakis has not seen him again,
but this short acquaintance between them inspired him and
enlightened the waty for him to write his play "life and adventures
of Alexis Zorbas", which distinguished him and made him known
as one of the great literary men of the world.